大规模的暗网(DW)平台的自动监测是发展主动网络威胁情报(CTI)的第一步。虽然有高效的方法用于从表面纤维网收集数据,但大规模的暗网络数据收集通常受到防爬爬措施的阻碍。特别是,基于文本的CAPTCHA是暗网中最普遍的和禁止这些措施的最普遍和禁止的类型。基于文本的CAPTCHA通过强制用户输入难以识别的字母数字字符的组合来识别和阻止自动爬虫。在暗网中,CAPTCHA图像被精心设计,具有额外的背景噪声和可变性格长度,以防止自动验证码断裂。现有的自动CAPTCHA断裂方法难以克服这些暗网挑战。因此,解决基于暗网络文本的CAPTCHA一直依赖于人类参与,这是劳动密集型且耗时的人。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种新颖的框架,用于自动破坏暗网CAPTCHA,以促进暗网络数据收集。该框架包括一种新的生成方法,可以识别基于黑色的Web文本的CAPTCHA,其中包含嘈杂的背景和可变字符长度。为了消除对人类参与的需求,所提出的框架利用生成的对抗网络(GaN)来抵消暗网背景噪声并利用增强的字符分割算法来处理具有可变字符长度的CAPTCHA图像。我们提出的框架DW-GaN在多个暗网络CAPTCHA测试台上进行了系统地评估。 DW-GaN在所有数据集中大大表现出最先进的基准方法,在仔细收集的真实世界黑色网络数据集中实现了超过94.4%的成功率......
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基于深度学习(DL)的恶意软件探测器越来越多地采用网络安全性的恶意行为。然而,它们对对抗性恶意软件变体的敏感性提高了巨大的安全问题。通过防御者产生这种对抗性变体对改善基于DL的恶意软件探测器的阻力来说至关重要。这种必要性引起了新兴的机器学习研究流程,对抗恶意软件示例生成(AMG),其旨在生成保存给定恶意软件的恶意功能的避免的对抗性恶意软件变体。在AMG研究中,黑匣子方法比白盒方法更加关注。但是,大多数Black-Box AMG方法需要许多与恶意软件探测器的交互以生成对抗性恶意软件示例。鉴于大多数恶意软件探测器强制执行查询限制,这可能导致由于缺乏隐身而在实践中产生的非现实对抗性示例。在本研究中,我们通过将恶意软件的内容视为字节序列并培训预先训练的经常培训,通过将单次的DL的因果语言模型(即只有一个查询与恶意软件检测器仅用一个查询)进行单次逃避(即,只有一个查询)。变压器(GPT)。我们提出的方法,持久,显着优于从恶毒癖获得的真实恶意软件数据集上的领先基准方法,实现了超过24.51%的逃避率。 MALGPT使网络安全研究人员能够通过模拟大规模的现实AMG来开发先进的防御能力。
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In this research, we are about to present an agentbased model of human muscle which can be used in analysis of human movement. As the model is designed based on the physiological structure of the muscle, The simulation calculations would be natural, and also, It can be possible to analyze human movement using reverse engineering methods. The model is also a suitable choice to be used in modern prostheses, because the calculation of the model is less than other machine learning models such as artificial neural network algorithms and It makes our algorithm battery-friendly. We will also devise a method that can calculate the intensity of human muscle during gait cycle using a reverse engineering solution. The algorithm called Boots is different from some optimization methods, so It would be able to compute the activities of both agonist and antagonist muscles in a joint. As a consequence, By having an agent-based model of human muscle and Boots algorithm, We would be capable to develop software that can calculate the nervous stimulation of human's lower body muscle based on the angular displacement during gait cycle without using painful methods like electromyography. By developing the application as open-source software, We are hopeful to help researchers and physicians who are studying in medical and biomechanical fields.
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Recently, many attempts have been made to construct a transformer base U-shaped architecture, and new methods have been proposed that outperformed CNN-based rivals. However, serious problems such as blockiness and cropped edges in predicted masks remain because of transformers' patch partitioning operations. In this work, we propose a new U-shaped architecture for medical image segmentation with the help of the newly introduced focal modulation mechanism. The proposed architecture has asymmetric depths for the encoder and decoder. Due to the ability of the focal module to aggregate local and global features, our model could simultaneously benefit the wide receptive field of transformers and local viewing of CNNs. This helps the proposed method balance the local and global feature usage to outperform one of the most powerful transformer-based U-shaped models called Swin-UNet. We achieved a 1.68% higher DICE score and a 0.89 better HD metric on the Synapse dataset. Also, with extremely limited data, we had a 4.25% higher DICE score on the NeoPolyp dataset. Our implementations are available at: https://github.com/givkashi/Focal-UNet
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Increasingly taking place in online spaces, modern political conversations are typically perceived to be unproductively affirming -- siloed in so called ``echo chambers'' of exclusively like-minded discussants. Yet, to date we lack sufficient means to measure viewpoint diversity in conversations. To this end, in this paper, we operationalize two viewpoint metrics proposed for recommender systems and adapt them to the context of social media conversations. This is the first study to apply these two metrics (Representation and Fragmentation) to real world data and to consider the implications for online conversations specifically. We apply these measures to two topics -- daylight savings time (DST), which serves as a control, and the more politically polarized topic of immigration. We find that the diversity scores for both Fragmentation and Representation are lower for immigration than for DST. Further, we find that while pro-immigrant views receive consistent pushback on the platform, anti-immigrant views largely operate within echo chambers. We observe less severe yet similar patterns for DST. Taken together, Representation and Fragmentation paint a meaningful and important new picture of viewpoint diversity.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great promise with algorithms learning in environments with large state and action spaces purely from scalar reward signals. A crucial challenge for current deep RL algorithms is that they require a tremendous amount of environment interactions for learning. This can be infeasible in situations where such interactions are expensive; such as in robotics. Offline RL algorithms try to address this issue by bootstrapping the learning process from existing logged data without needing to interact with the environment from the very beginning. While online RL algorithms are typically evaluated as a function of the number of environment interactions, there exists no single established protocol for evaluating offline RL methods.In this paper, we propose a sequential approach to evaluate offline RL algorithms as a function of the training set size and thus by their data efficiency. Sequential evaluation provides valuable insights into the data efficiency of the learning process and the robustness of algorithms to distribution changes in the dataset while also harmonizing the visualization of the offline and online learning phases. Our approach is generally applicable and easy to implement. We compare several existing offline RL algorithms using this approach and present insights from a variety of tasks and offline datasets.
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This paper presents the ARCAD simulator for the rapid development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), including underactuated and fully-actuated multirotors, fixed-wing aircraft, and Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) hybrid vehicles. The simulator is designed to accelerate these aircraft's modeling and control design. It provides various analyses of the design and operation, such as wrench-set computation, controller response, and flight optimization. In addition to simulating free flight, it can simulate the physical interaction of the aircraft with its environment. The simulator is written in MATLAB to allow rapid prototyping and is capable of generating graphical visualization of the aircraft and the environment in addition to generating the desired plots. It has been used to develop several real-world multirotor and VTOL applications. The source code is available at https://github.com/keipour/aircraft-simulator-matlab.
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As social media grows faster, harassment becomes more prevalent which leads to considered fake detection a fascinating field among researchers. The graph nature of data with the large number of nodes caused different obstacles including a considerable amount of unrelated features in matrices as high dispersion and imbalance classes in the dataset. To deal with these issues Auto-encoders and a combination of semi-supervised learning and the GAN algorithm which is called SGAN were used. This paper is deploying a smaller number of labels and applying SGAN as a classifier. The result of this test showed that the accuracy had reached 91\% in detecting fake accounts using only 100 labeled samples.
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Spurious correlations, or correlations that change across domains where a model can be deployed, present significant challenges to real-world applications of machine learning models. However, such correlations are not always "spurious"; often, they provide valuable prior information for a prediction beyond what can be extracted from the input alone. Here, we present a test-time adaptation method that exploits the spurious correlation phenomenon, in contrast to recent approaches that attempt to eliminate spurious correlations through invariance. We consider situations where the prior distribution $p(y, z)$, which models the marginal dependence between the class label $y$ and the nuisance factors $z$, may change across domains, but the generative model for features $p(\mathbf{x}|y, z)$ is constant. We note that this is an expanded version of the label shift assumption, where the labels now also include the nuisance factors $z$. Based on this observation, we train a classifier to predict $p(y, z|\mathbf{x})$ on the source distribution, and implement a test-time label shift correction that adapts to changes in the marginal distribution $p(y, z)$ using unlabeled samples from the target domain. We call our method "Test-Time Label-Shift Adaptation" or TTLSA. We apply our method to two different image datasets -- the CheXpert chest X-ray dataset and the colored MNIST dataset -- and show that it gives better downstream results than methods that try to train classifiers which are invariant to the changes in prior distribution. Code reproducing experiments is available at https://github.com/nalzok/test-time-label-shift .
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Humans have perfected the art of learning from multiple modalities through sensory organs. Despite their impressive predictive performance on a single modality, neural networks cannot reach human level accuracy with respect to multiple modalities. This is a particularly challenging task due to variations in the structure of respective modalities. Conditional Batch Normalization (CBN) is a popular method that was proposed to learn contextual features to aid deep learning tasks. This technique uses auxiliary data to improve representational power by learning affine transformations for convolutional neural networks. Despite the boost in performance observed by using CBN layers, our work reveals that the visual features learned by introducing auxiliary data via CBN deteriorates. We perform comprehensive experiments to evaluate the brittleness of CBN networks to various datasets, suggesting that learning from visual features alone could often be superior for generalization. We evaluate CBN models on natural images for bird classification and histology images for cancer type classification. We observe that the CBN network learns close to no visual features on the bird classification dataset and partial visual features on the histology dataset. Our extensive experiments reveal that CBN may encourage shortcut learning between the auxiliary data and labels.
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